Little Known Facts About Pack – And Why They Matter

↑ This realistic electron’s de Broglie wave theory in the medium can avoid serious paradoxes such as vanishing de Broglie wave, Lorentz magnetic force and relativistic force caused by unphysical observer-dependent relativistic theory. This is clearly a unsolved paradox showing Einstein relativistic theory is false. What’s the origin of this true twin paradox ? Einstein paradoxical relativistic mass mc2 just copied Maxwell true mc2 with no paradox. Mainstream (false) solutions always try to use the special asymmetric case where one twin A gets on the spaceship, moves faster and returns to the earth, while the other twin B remains in the earth, waiting for B to return and compare their clocks’ times where the general relativistic time dilation of accelerated or gravitational frame is said to solve this twin paradox. Here we explain how to derive the general relativistic time dilation under gravity or or acceleration. ↑ This accelerating time duration is extremely short, so negligible compared to the very long time duration of the constant-speed motion influenced only by special relativistic time dilation. Clocks at lower potentials in gravitational or accelerating frames tick slower. According to Einstein relativistic theory or Lorentz transformation, the moving clock appears to tick slower relative to the stationary clock.

↑ This is clearly paradox showing Einstein relativistic theory is false. ← But clock time in position with very low potential causes serious paradox like inside black hole. Sometimes the low tire pressure light stays on even when the tires are fine. ← Though the observer does Not even touch an object. So depending on observer’s motion, one object appears heavier or lighter than another object. Einstein relativity claims the mass of an object moving appears to be larger than its original mass at rest relative to a observer. A stopping electron emitting light and losing energy appears to gain kinetic energy in Einstein relativistic paradox. Because whether two charged particles are moving or stationary, when the distance between those two charges is the same, Coulomb potential energy is the same, regardless of particles’ motion or velocity. 2/4πε r ) is working between these two stationary protons, hence, the total relativistic mass or energy must be greater than two rest mass energies of protons, which means this additional energy caused by Coulomb repulsion must be stored in the space (or medium ) between two protons, which contradicts Einstein relativity rejecting any medium in space. 2 ) or Coulomb energy have No relation to Einstein relativity or Lorentz transformation.

← This unphysical Einstein relativistic energy causes serious paradoxes such as the rotating right-angle lever, and a stationary electron with No kinetic energy magically radiating and losing its energy. All these electromagnetic paradox can be easily solved, if we admit some realistic medium where the Lorentz magnetic force is generated only when an charged particle such as an electron is moving relative to some “medium” generating de Broglie wave, regardless of which observer, stationary or moving, pink scrubs set is seeing it. So if Einstein relativity is incompatible with de Broglie wave theory, Einsten relativity is surely wrong. Einstein relativistic theory, and only the electron’s de Broglie wave energy stored in the absolute medium can explain the photoelectric effect or an electron emitting light and losing kinetic energy. Such an unrealistically-changeable Einstein mass energy mc2 was said to be involved in massive nuclear energy as seen in atomic bombs. Fig.T-2) Time of clock-1 at higher (gravitational) potential passes faster than time of clock-2 at lower potential in Einstein paradoxical general relativity. When the acceleration is very large ( like this p.3-3.1 ), one clock’s time appears to stop and the other clock paradoxically arrives at the center point-O much earlier due to general relativistic time paradox, if we try to avoid the unreal imaginary-time (like inside black hole).

↑ This is clearly one of fatal paradoxes showing Einstein relativistic energy is wrong. ↑ If the object’s energy is magically changed as seen by differently-moving observers, we cannot utilize such an unrealistically-changeable, indefinite energy value in actual useful energy source. Not in the x-drection of electric attraction ), which means this paradoxical electrical attraction only seen by K’ remains unsolved. And more weight also means it’ll use more fuel. Jenna Dasaro and Summer Igoe were arrested after they attended a wedding reception in May 2011 where they made off with more than the requisite party favor. On the other hand, if the washing machine is clearly leaking from the front, that’s a sign the door seal may be worn and damaged, a problem older washers encounter. If you compost your food scraps, you may want a bin liner for your collection pail. Lastly, you’ll want to take into considering when you want to start kidding in the spring so you can plan your breeding dates. You don’t have to settle for anything less than the best backpack which does everything you want it to. Some families choose to have ribbons pinned to the doll that bear the name of the quinceañera and the date of the celebration.


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